Sunday, December 23, 2007


Hello and welcome to my new blog!

Because I would like to be as laconic as possible (=lazy), I will answer a few questions in a Q&A format:

Q: Why are you opening a blog?
A: Two main reasons:
1. sometime I want to express myself in writing, and because I don't write poems to the drawer (well, mostly because I don't have any of them both) and I need to publish my thoughts somewhere, I think a blog is the exact tool for that.
2. I don't like spam groups - so posting funny / interesting / informative things here will do the trick, without blowing up a lot of mailboxes.

Q: What this blog will be about?
A: This blog will be about everything that's on my mind - whether it's geek stuff, music, art, actuality, social life or whatsoever.

Q: Why are you writing in english, you sinner?
A: I've wondered whether to write in english or hebrew, with good reasons for both, but thinking about writing technical posts in hebrew got me sick and made me choose the former.

Q: How does your family name became a verb?
A: It's a long story - just accept it as-is :)


Shira said...

ata chamud. :)

Unknown said...

אתה באמת כופר!
מה בדיוק המשמעות של "לאנגר" מישהו או משהו, זה נשמע לא טוב!

StatusReport said...

זה לא לאנגר! זו אינגרציה!

Unknown said...

ומה הפירוש בדיוק?!

StatusReport said...

יש לזה כל מיני פירושים.

אפילו אפשר לעשות "אינגרציה בחלקים" (למדתי את זה באוניברסיטה).

נו, זה התחיל מזה שהייתה תיבת מייל של "אינגרציה" במקום "אינטגרציה", ואז כל פעם שמישהו רצה להשלים ל"אינגר" זה גם הופיע ברשימה, וזה די שעשע אותי.

Eli said...

Hey man --
Good luck on the blog!

If you use Feedburner on your subscription feeds, you'll be able to keep track of who subscribes. Just a thought.