After purchasing my iPhone and before unlocking it, I used to hang out with three different devices: iPhone (for accessing wifi networks and just being cool), cellphone and an iPod.
The main target was to drop down to only one piece of equipment - the iPhone, so first I needed to get my iPod out of the picture.
As you may know, the iPhone usually comes with 8GB of flash memory (a 16GB model have been released last week), so it also acts as an iPod. The thing that prevented me to use it as one was the earbuds that come with it. I don't like earphones, because I got used to in-ear phones after using 2 different models (Apple in-ear phones and a Pioneer model I bought after my Apple one's got damaged by my stupidity and water). Moreover, I didn't like the sound qualify of the earphones that came with the iPhone because they have a weak mid, and more important, bass response.
My Pioneer phones that are used with the iPod cannot be connected to the iPhone because the mini-PL connector now includes a microphone (it's longer than 9mm), so I decided to search for a mid-high end in-ear phones for my new-precious iPhone.
After digging a bit I've found this V-Moda Vibe Duo in-ear phones, and decided to order them. Needless to say, I've already purchased some stuff over the net, and by paying only 5$ to regular UPS shipping I thought I'll get the package in 2-3 weeks, in which I'll be left in the dark and just sit there waiting for the package to arrive (not really).
Two hours after making the deal, I got a mail from v-moda, providing a link to a tracking page that gives information about my package.
Immediately, the following psuedo-algorithm went into action:
- Wait 5 minutes.
- Refresh the page.
- If a new details about the package has been added: go to your flatmates and update them beatifically about the progess, otherwise: complain like an old grandma about the lack of information.
- Repeat the process until someone from UPS calls and tells you that your package is at the door.
The funny thing is that the whole situation is explained perfectly in this xkcd strip, and that I laughed at Segal while he anticipated a package a month ago while doing exactly the same :)
So the packaged arrived in 3 days (!!!), after passing through Germany and Turkey and I got very happy.
A nice look at the irrational ratio between the headphones and the package itself:
P.S. 1 - for the interested readers (if you got this far) who are interested in details, here it how it looks like:
P.S. 2 - Props to Geohot for unlocking the 1.1.2/1.1.3 OTB iPhones, which allowed me to get rid of my Nokia 6230i too.